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Redbud Trail Rendezvous

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Location Rochester
Dates April 25, 2015 - April 26, 2015

From Redbud Trail Rendezvous Website:

Redbud trees form a lovely background for the Redbud Trail Rendezvous at the Fulton County Historical Society. The event will be held April 25-26 from 10 to 5 on Saturday and from 10 to 4 on Sunday. FCHS grounds are four miles north of Rochester on U.S. 31. The festival will be held just south of the Round Barn Museum in the Living History Village. Admission is $3 for adults ages 12 and older, child 11 and under free. Proceeds enable the historical society to operate the museum and preserve history. Rain or Shine the festival will go on.
Every spring the Redbud Trail Rendezvous is one of the first outdoor events of the season. This event is brimming with frontier history and often brings surprises for the participants and public. Over a hundred historic re-enactors set up camps and live outdoors for the event, demonstrating traditional crafts, frontier life ways, and pioneer skills such as cooking over wood fires, and tomahawk throwing. The event is educational and fun, showing authentic history as re-enacted by real people.
Historic camps portray Revolutionary War to Civil War, making this a pre-1865 event. People dressed in authentic pre-1865 outfits demonstrate many traditional crafts. Crafts include flint knapping, beadwork, spinning and weaving, leather, flintknapping, watercolor painting, wood carving, blacksmith, , scrimshaw, fingerweaving, and much more.
Performing at the program tent both days will be Mark Gropp, Orland, with bagpipe music, and Liza and Mark Woolever, Plymouth, - music and songs, Indian dances and drum by Indiana Hawk Band Shadow Sept, Marsha Glassburn, Rochester - Native American Indian storyteller;, Brent Blough, Elhart - puppets; Lois Mann, Rochester - Guitar Music and Songs; David Morningstar, Tippecanoe, Native Living; Thomas & Bonnie Marusek, Coldwater, Mich., - End of the Civil War; Shirley Willard, Rochester - Massaw. Also Saturday only - Laura Whiteleather, Andrews, Ind. - 1800's Granny Doctor and Sunday only , Kim Hoover, Star City; will show birds from their wildlife rehabilitation.
Foods cooked over wood fires will include ham and beans, vegetable stew, buffalo burgers, chicken, sassafras tea, and breakfast of biscuits and sausage gravy - Fulton County Historical Society booth; and homemade fudge and cookies - Mark Gropp, Orland, Ind.
Because the Farmers Market will be in the museum Sat. morning, the north gate to the rendezvous will be by the round barn. Also at the south gate, located off Meridian Road, admission will be collected before they park. The Fulton County Museum, Round Barn Museum and buildings in the Living History Village will be open for people to view.
Volunteers can earn free admission to the Redbud Trail Rendezvous by working half a day. To volunteer, call the museum. Free parking is provided on FCHS grounds. The grounds are handicapped accessible.
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Show hoursSat 10-5, Sun 10-4
Public Admission Price$3 (age 12 & older), age 11 & under free
Year #25
EntertainmentPrograms in Program Tent: 10:00 (Sunday only) - Frontier Worship non-denominational service - Brent Blough, Elkhart, Ind. 10:00-10:30 Brent Blough, Elkhart, Ind. - puppets 10:30-11:00 Mark Gropp, Orland, Ind. - Bagpipe music. 11:00-11:30 Laura Whiteleather, Andrews, Ind. - 1800's Granny Doctor - Sat. only 11:00-11:30 Shirley Willard, Rochester - Massaw - Potawatomi Chieftess- Sun. only 11:30-12:00 Thomas & Bonnie Marusek, Coldwater, Mich., Civil War Loomis Battery. 12:00-12:30 Margo Moore & Nan Edwards, Watervliet, Michigan - Travois dogs. 12:30-1:00 David Morningstar, Tippecanoe, Ind. - Native Living and Pow Wows 1:00-1:30 Shirley Willard, Rochester - Massaw - Potawatomi Chieftess- Sat. only 1:30- 2:00 Lois Mann, Rochester, Ind. - Guitar & Songs - Sat. only 1:00-2:00 Kim Hoover - Birds of Prey - Sunday only 2:00-2:30 Laura Whiteleather, Andrews, Ind. - 1800's Granny Doctor - Sat. only 2:00-2:30 Lois Mann, Rochester, Ind. - Guitar & Songs - Sun. only 2:30-3:00 Mark & Liza Woolever, Plymouth - music sing-along and dance for children of all ages 3:00-4:00 Indiana Hawk Band Shadow Sept - led by Blue Fox, Indian drum, Indian dances & stories - participants will tell about their heritage and outfits. Mark & Liza Woolever - strolling musicians - various times Marsha Glassburn, Rochester - Native American Indian storyteller - various times Thomas & Bonnie Marusek, Coldwater, Mich., Civil War History - all day at camp by General Store.
Maps and Directions (from Google Maps)
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